Page name: the ultimate rpg: a new begining [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-04 15:33:44
Last author: Tis gone but never gone
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 20
D20: 20
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From the creator of The Ultimate RPG come The Ultimate RPG: A New Begining

This wiki is very similair to The Ultimate RPG in that you can be whatever you want and have whatever powers you want, however I want this wiki to be a little more open for instance, The Ultimate RPG you need my permission to join or even look at, this one I want everyone to be able to join and feel free to RP. If however people are asses again I will probably get pissed and make this password protected so you have been warned.

A little background info for you all:
Since we have all sorts of charectors in this wiki, background info is too hard to post, if you wish you may put indiviual charector background info on your info

Here are the official Rules of this wiki, obey them and you shall be fine, disobey them and [wolvie] shall get pissed off majorly
Rule 1:
DO NOT INSULT OTHER PEOPLES CHARECTORS!!!! Everybody is unique and look at things in a unique way so play nice damnit!
Rule 2:
Swearing is alright however, do not use racial or sexist terms or I will kick your sorry ass out
Rule 3:
This is just a game, please do not get all emo if something happens on here that you didnt want to (ie: a girl you wanted falls for someone else) again this is not the real world calm down peoples
Rule 4:
THIS IS NOT A FUCKING CHAT WIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to chat please either go to Wolvie's chat of doom or the loosers club. Any and all chat comments shall be deleted
Rule 5:
NO KILLING OF CHARECTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more time and this wiki goes password not joking!!!!

I may add more rules later so be aware of that, now then lets get this started to join just fill out your information like i did, right here 
Here is the member page add your info here thank you
Note: You may have a MAX of 3 pics

Full Name: Logan/ other personality: James
Alias's: Wolverine, Wolvie
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Powers: Heals rapidly from virtually all wounds, has animal like senses, has retractable claws that come out of the knuckles, has an unbreakable adamantium skeleton, has no memories of his past life, was part of the Weapon X experiment, and can turn into a wolf at will
Has a dark half named James that takes controll over him at times and is pure evil
Weapons: Retractable claws, uses guns from time to time
Logan & the amazing L.T. ----><img:>
James ----><img:>
Wolf form ----><img:>

Full Name: Bruce Dickinson [he's fun :D]
Alias': errrr....Brucey :D
Age: 23 [for he is magicly young again yay :D]
Gender: Male
Powers: he is evils :D nah not really he is like a kickass singer and haas kickass singing abilities? o.0 no wait i know :D he can heal others but not himself and this causes a horrible drain on him
Weapons: he doesn't like em :0

Full Name: Spike
Alias': none yet
Age: 1 year old
Gender: Male
Powers: he's a fire demon dog, he can make fire out of nothing and use it to attack anything/anyone he finds as a threat however he's a puppy and really has a very sweet disposition, he used to belong to James who constantly abused him to try and make him as mean as possible, he fears James and tries to do his best to please him to avoid his wrath
Weapons: his teeth and fire

Full name: Vixen Takoma/ other personality: Kira
Alias: Vix
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Powers: telepathy, spells, automatic healing, control of demons and angels, able to take other or copy others powers, has a split personality one is good the other was evil but for some odd reason has changed
Kira---> <img:stuff/aj/49600/kira-neko.jpg>
Vix---> <img:>

Full name: Anna Marie
Alias: Rogue
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: she can drain the energy (life), memories, and in the case of mutants their powers and adapt them as her own
Other info: [for the hell of it :D] her family is known to logan but not when he's logan her family are good friends with his other side James and she is deathly afraid of James for reasons known only to her and him.

Full Name: Liza Kornakova
Alias: n/a
Age: 18
Gender: female
Powers: she can control fire and teleport and has almost figured out time travel
Other info:errr cheese xd

character name: Kait
Race/species:[Silverline]-style vampire
Powers:can see into future or past,create force fields, and influence thoughts/actions of others. Has deadly accurate aim.
Weapons: Anything she can get her hands on. Almost never uses guns.
History:(workin on it)
[picture coming soon]

Full name: Marius Vergilius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Werwolf
Powers: He can turn in to a wolf at will.
Weapons: He fights as a wolf, or any thing close.
History: He lived with his uncle till he was ten when his uncle was killed. He now just travels.

If you have any questions just message [wolvie] dont post question on the RPG area they will be ignored and deleted

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Ha foolish move" he smiles brightly, going for her sides and giggling

Logan shrugs, "Honest you don't have to"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back giggling more.

Rogue "well too bad i want to"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles and keeps tickling her

Logan smiles softly, "Fine"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles more "ah evil"

Rogue smiles back "better"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce finally stops, "Hey I'm not evils :O"

Logan nods, "Well you better get home it's getting late"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "my sides and no the tickling is evil"

Rogue nods "yea i guess"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "But I'd never do anything evil" he giggles

Logan nods, "Where do you live?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike yawns, walking out of Rogue's house then walks into Lisha, not really paying attention to where he's going

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha fell back on the ground,"Hey watch it!" she snapped then she saw it was the dog,"How on earth did you unfreeze?"she asked as she stood up

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "tickling is evil"

Rogue "just a few blocks from here"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Lies! It's very kind" he giggles

Logan nods, "I'll walk you home"

Spike jumps, recognizing Lisha, he backs off from her, lowering his ears, my new master unfroze me

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "how so?"

Rogue "well thanks"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Oh so James isn't your master?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Cuz I'm the bruce?"

Logan nods, "welcome" he says and starts walking with her

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike shakes a little, I do not want to go back to him he's mean to me and my new girl master is much nicer

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Well if I where you I would hide for I am giving James his own body. So he can be free, so watch out pup."she smriked

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "fine"

Rogue tilts her head and goes over Spike "hey boy whatcha doin out here?" she looks at Lisha "you cant do that you'll hurt tons of people so go be a bitch elsewhere"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce hops off of Vix, doing a victory dance XD

Spike lowers his ears more and hides behind Rogue, I wanted to explore...she wouldn't really do that would she?

Logan frowns at Lisha, "Why would you want to do that?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "epic dancin"

Rogue "she better not she doesnt know what she'd be releasing"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckles coldly,"That is bewteen myself and James. So sorry it's really not my place to say to you goody goody people. But if James wants to come out to play, I'll be here."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "You just need to fuck off" she snips "you have no idea who he's really like james doesnt give a fuck about you once you're of no use to him he'll dispose of you"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, bowing to her, "Thankee-sai"

Logan, "Well she can't anyway, it's impossible" he says but frowns kind of uncertainly

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "sai?"

Rogue "Just keep walking if she wants to fine but she's only signing her death wish"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Oh honey, I can do what ever I like and I can take care fo myself. And I'm sure James wouldn't get bored of me."she smirked

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "oh he will he always does so you're no exception so why dont you butt out and go be a slut elsewhere"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike tucks his tail between his legs nervously, moving closer to Rogue, he'd kill me if he could get won't let him right master?

Logan frowns but nods and starts walking again, noone can release James...can they?

Bruce smiles, "Was in a book I read I think it meant sir or ma'am or something"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "I wont let her hey logan i know someone who can put a permanent seal on your other half so it doesnt get free she did it to her own"

Vix smiles back "ah thats right the dark tower good book"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha just laughed as she teleported away

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike whines a little nervously and sticks close to Rogue

Logan nods, "Alright we'll try it tomorrow k?"

Bruce gasps, "Omg yeah that's the book how did you know @_@"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods "you should stay over at my house ya know for safety i dont want anything bad happening"

Vix "ive read it"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head, "nah no thanks Rogue but thank you for the offer"

Bruce, "Omg it all makes sense now :O"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "yea well i really dont want you alone with her around wherever"

Vix giggles "of course"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha is watching Rogue and Logan from a far.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James smiles, congradulating himself internaly for so smoothly taking the controll from Logan, "I'll be fine Rogue promise"

Spike turns, recognizing James and whines more

Bruce smiles, "Your evil!"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks at Spike "i dont believe you im coming with or at least im bringin vix here now"

Vix smiles back "am not" she looks around "huh something is off"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiles when she felt James take over Logan,"Silly girl."she chuckles as she walks over to James,"Ah the you are. Shall we?" she smiles. ? And then I can give you a body of your know she sent to James' mind.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike shakes and whines loudly

James smiles, "Hello Lisha" he pushes his claws out, "Get lost Rogue before I chop that mutts head off for disobeying me"

Bruce frowns, tilting his head, "What?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "be right back" she teleports to Lisha and them "hell no you're not"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smirks "No" she grabs his hand using her power "ive mastered something" she says and starts draining just james

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"Well this is fun but..." she froze everyone but JAmes. She grabed James tightly in a hug and teleported away.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix -,- and unfreezes herself and the others following after Lisha "no you're not"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns, tilting his head

James snarls and shakes his head to clear it, "what'd that bitch Rogue do to me?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smirks "somethin i'm finishing" she starts inciting a spell to trap James

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha pulled back as she waved her hand over her house, where they are lota of charms, protection spells, traps all around the house which makes it impossblie to get in. "Sorry James but I don't know."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smirks "Im already in so ha x3" she smiles finishing the spell "sorry james your stuck in the body"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her eyes as she waved her hand over Vix to teleport her onto of a mountian.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix growled teleporting back "dont fuckin touch me with any powers you bitch oh and to stop the spell you have to destory my other half but i dont let her out ever"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James growls, clearly very weakend from Rogue, "That bitch"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Honey you have no idea who you are messing with, do you?" she chuckles then she linked her arm with James,"Blaidd Drwg."she said as James and Logan had now there own bodies.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smirks as the spell doesnt work "neither do you clearly he's too weak to be on his own now so he cant"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"You really have no idea who the hell I am, do you?" she put her hand over James's heart and give him some energy then she said the spell but in old demon tongue which means the spell can not be stopped by anyone but Lisha. She knew the spell would take while to work, but that was the way she did her spells. She took a step back from James,"He's all yours, i give up, I know when I am beaten. But I do ask one little thing."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "i dont do favors for idiots" she teleports Rogue to them "rogue finish off james before the spell works"

Rogue goes over and places a hand on James' arm she mumbles "dumbass lettin a rapist out on his own"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James growls weakily trying to push Rogue away

Spike shakes nervously

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckles,"Oh those silly fools."she looked at her hand, it had a white light ball on it,"I'll find you a body, James." she said to his soul.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smirks "too bad again to break the curse you have to kill kira and you're not gettin to her"

Rogue "well if you werent an ass then i wouldnt be doing this"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha put James's soul in a locket, and placed a curse on it and she put the necklace around her necklace. She teleported away.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix chuckles "dumb bitch his soul is still with logan ha too bad she took a copy" vix had locked the soul within as well using an ancient spell that worked quickly too bad lisha didnt know about it

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head a little, looking around in confusion, "Ugh what happend?"

Spike shakes, heading back to Rogue's house

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha was in a sceart place that no magic or anything that could get in so the what Vix did, didn't work.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "sorry about that but there is one thing you need to know about my spell if james is somehow split from you he wont live he'll die instantly no spell can stop that no matter how powerful cause his life is yours if he doesnt have that link its an instant death so if ya want i can split you two know and you'll never have to deal with him again is that something you'd want?"

Rogue looks around "oh spike"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her eyes as she took James's soul in her.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan sits up and frowns, "it'd kill him?"

[poor spike everyone disapeared on him XD]

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i knows XD]

Vix nods "yea it would if he ever seperates from you or maybe he just needs a friend" she smiles "i guess i could let kira come out for a bit and let her get to know him if that works better for you"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiles as she felt a copy of James's soul mixed with hers,"YOu'll be free when I find you a body."

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan thinks for a long long time, "I want him dead he's done too much damage already"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nods lifting the lock and then speaks a spell and splits James from Logan "you have a few minutes to think about it before he just dies and disappears you wont have a choice once its done"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan nods and frowns as he thinks about it then sighs, "He's apart of me but...I don't think theirs any really good in him...he's twisted and..." he sighs again

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nods "so you're completely sure" she lets Kira take over "hi im kira normally evil but ya know i kinda got over it" she smiles "she wont let me split unless i can find someone to balance me"

Rogue "you could give it a chance keep control of him til you think he can be on his own"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan frowns a little then nods, "Yeah ok ok I guess I'll give it a chance"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nods putting Logan and James back together "there ya go all better ^^"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan, "THank what do I do?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "well if ya have a controlled area like ooh my home you can let James out there and let him interact with people and when he does something bad you make him pay like i dunno using a spray bottle with water like for dogs ooh rogue can drain him a little each time he does something unsavory then he'll learn no thats bad"

Rogue giggles "hey can we go now? i wanna see spike"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan, "Well alright"

Bruce has fallen asleep XD

Spike is laying on Rogue's bed

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nods "so when do you want to start this?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Logan, "How about now?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nods teleporting them all plus spike this time to her home then gives control back to Vix. Vix giggles then pokes Bruce

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike eeps then see's Rogue and quickly goes to her

Bruce yawns and curls up, "Noooooooo"

Logan looksaround curiously

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue pets spike and giggles "sorry about leavin like that boy"

Vix giggles "get up silly" she looks over at Logan "ready?" she lets kira take over.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike, what happend?

Bruce yawns rubbing his eyes sleepily, "I'm up"

Logan nods and lets James take over

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue pets Spike "vix teleported us"

Kira "hi ^^"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike whines when James gets the controll

James growls, "What the fucks going on?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned when she felt the copy dispear,"What the fuck?"she frowned and teleported to wear james was at.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "its ok spike vix is helping"

Kira "we're gonna condition you to know that being evil isnt good so" she holds her hand out to James "im Kira"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Spike still looks really nervous but nods and relaxes

Bruce just looks confused @_@

James growls and spits at Kira

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha saw James from a far,"So he got his soul back, interseting."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue goes over to James and lightly touches him for a second

Kira "and everytime you do somethin bad that'll happen" she smiles at Bruce "Oh hey im kira vix's other half"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James snarls in pain and anger, "Bitch >.<"

Bruce smiles back, "ooh ok then"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned when she saw that James was in pain, she wanted to go over there and teleported him away but she knew that those, girls would stop her.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "then dumbass listen to Kira"

Kira "only authorized people allowed in vix's home" she flicked her wrist expelling Lisha from the property "now james come on you have two choices we can be nice or logan lets you die"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Bitch!"she growled when she appeared at her house. She growled as she walked to her spelll room.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira puts up another shield around the house "ugh we cant have any interruptions"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: [sorry comp randomly froze for a sec but tis not now :D]

James growls and flips Kira off

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo for it bein better]

Kira crosses her arms "I wanna help you why wont you let me?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: [i knows right?]

James, "I don't need help from you" he says then see's spike and growls, managing to get up and tries to kick at him but falls on his ass

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [right :D]

Kira "Does look like ya need it" she holds out her hand to him smiling "come on ya look like ya need someone to hang with im that girl"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked threw her spell books.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James growls at her, "Why do you want to help me?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira kneels down next to him "cause i was like you all bitter and always tryin to kill vix but then ya know i got to see that world isnt that bad and its just hard not havin someone to relate to and i can so relate with you we're both people who want to be our own person but cant and we find that frustrating as hell"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James smirks, "I'm nothing like you"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "trust me ya are i did everything from tryin to get people to kill vix to slaughtering her whole town including her family and lover"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James chuckles, "Then why did you give that up that sounds like fun"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira "cause everything i did she just bounced back and i started thinkin about it it just seemed pointless"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James rolls his eyes

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles "come on at least give bein good a chance ya never know logan might let ya have your own body"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha hoped that James might come to her for the chance for a his own body. She shrugged not like she cared...much. She flipped threw some spell books.

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: James, "I don't do then good...wait he will?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles "cause anyway every time you leave here vix puts the lock back on and you will die once split from logan within seconds so your choice really so anyway one question logan wears a shirt but you dont you a bit more built?" she reaches to touch his muscles "yea ya are thats nice" she giggles

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods "yea he will but you gotta find a friend to balance you and if you go back vix can reverse it and send you back to logan so its gotta be for real"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: James smirks, I'll act what they want...then when I get my own body I'll just kill the girl and go, "Fine" he moves a way when Kira touches him

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smirks "but remember i can send you back too oh and ya gotta be good for like a year"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: James, "Fine" I've lived 183 years one being 'good' won't kill me stupid bitch

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles "cool yay i can get my own body ^^" she lets Vix take control. Vix nods "You will live here no where else you will have a time to be back home any of my rules broken you lose the privelage of having your own body" she speaks a small spell seperating her and Logan from their other halfs

Kira giggles twirling "awesome" she smiles moving her hair behind her ear "im so happy"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Logan rubs his head, "Weird"

James smirks looking at himself, "Very nice"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix @.@ "yea it is"

Kira smiles bouncing lightly.

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha got bored with her books, she walked to her moter bike and got on it and drove

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: kira giggles "arent i cute ^^?"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce pounces Vix, "Mine damnit >.<"

James then smirks and starts slowly walking, "So I've got my own body..."

Spike shakes, hiding behind Rogue

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "sure why not"

Kira goes to run around a little and trips falling into James she eeps "oh im so so so so so sorry"

Rogue gently pets Spike

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rode her bike

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Yay I win :D"

James jumps then growls, "Off now or I swear to god I'll slash your fuckin head off"

Spike shakes more when he hears James growling

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rode her bike faster

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix binds James in place "you're already breaking a rule back to logan" she smiles back at Bruce

Rogue sighs "pointless"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: James jumps then smiles, "Sorry I'm trying to get used to this" he says trying to look innocent

Logan frowns and rubs the back of his neck

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix glares at him "You're not allowed leaving here today maybe tomorrow i'll see"

Rogue goes over to Logan "you ok?"

Kira frowned looking down

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: James nods, "Ok fine by me"

Logan nods, "yeah I'm ok"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "good" she pokes Bruce and smiles

Kira got up dusting herself off "we're sharing a room if thats alright"

Rogue smiles "well good"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce eeps then smiles, "How rude"

James nods, "Fine by me"

Logan smiles back softly, "Do I have to stay or can I go?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "nuh uh" she shakes her head "No you dont have to stay you're free to go"

Kira smiles and heads inside looking through her clothes

Rogue smiles "teleport us?"

Vix nods teleporting logan, rogue, and spike to in front of rogue's home

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Oh it so was"

Logan smiles back, "Well that was fun"

James goes inside and sighs

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "was not"

Rogue nods "yea it was"

Kira was tryin on clothes and was wearing the outfit she has in the picture and tilts her head on James "you ok?"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Hmmmmm fine"

Logan nods, "Thank you for the help"

James nods, "Never better"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back and nods.

Rogue "you're welcome"

Kira sits down "your sigh says otherwise why dont you ever talk about how you feel? someone'll listen"

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rode back to her house then she parked her bike. She ran into her house and packed up her stuff then she put her suit cases in her car. She ran back into her house and got the case of money from under her bed and ran to her house and got in her car. She drove away from her house as she mubbles a spell to set it on fire but for the fire not to sprend or hurt anyone.

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce lightly tickles her

Logan nods, "I'll see you later"

James, "I don't anything but anger"

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha drove away

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles

Rogue nods "see ya"

Kira tilts her head "why? what has you so angry all the time?"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "My Vix?"

Logan nods and walks home

James just shrugs, "I dont know"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "your vix"

Rogue goes inside with Spike

Kira "really? i knew why i was i didnt like having no choice in what was done or that i had to be the way she wanted i didnt feel like i even mattered"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Omg yay :D"

Spike wags his tail and follows her

James nods, "I had that problem two"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles

Rogue "well today was eventful"

Kira smiles "and now you have a choice well kinda other than the rules of vix but dont feel bad i gotta follow the same rules"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles

Spike nods, 'yeah its been fun'

James, "Yeah but what can I do? sit around and be something i'm not"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back

Rogue smiles petting Spike

Kira "yea but you never know you're angry you might be somethin you dont realize you are" she smiled "i didnt think i could be good but i find it more fulfilling"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles lightly

Spike wags his tail, 'so your my master now?'

James shrugs a little then sighs, "I'm just gonna sleep for now good night"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nuzzles him

Rogue nods "yea im your master now"

Kira nods "ok sleep well" she gets up and goes making herself an ice cream sundae

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce blushes lightly, nuzzling her back

Spike pounces her and starts licking her happily

James nods, curling up and frowning

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "awe i made you blush"

Rogue giggles and pets him "so do you think james can change?"

Kira goes back to their room with her sundae and eats some "ah brainfreeze -.0"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait followed Marius quietly

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce sticks his tongue out, "Did not it was uhhhh I dunno what :D"

Spike frowns, I hope so but I have my doubts

James looks over at her then smirks

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "did too"

Rogue nods "me too"

Kira giggles then looks over at James "want some? at least do ya want the cherry i dont like cherries which now once ive thought about it i dont know why i put a cherry on top" she smiles "i even brought a second spoon just in case"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce sticks his tongue out and smiles then sighs when his phone rings, "damnit"

Spike, i hope it works though

James gives her a funny look then shrugs and sits up, "I guess I'll have some"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "what is it?"

Rogue nods "me too logan shouldnt have to live with him as an other half"

Kira smiles and sets the ice cream on the nightstand between them "alright"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce, "My manager" he says then answers, talking for a minute before hanging up and sighing, "I gotta go"

Spike nods and smiles softly, yeah he seems really nice

James sits up, eating the cherry and some of the ice cream

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "where ya goin?"

Rogue smiles back and nods "yea he does"

Kira smiles eatin some ice cream too

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles softly, "My manager wants me to sing for another 2-3 hours for our new album...knowing him them hours will more likely be 8-9"

Spike nods, wagging his tail slightly

James finishes and lays back down, "Night"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "damn"

Rogue "such a good dog"

Kira nods "night"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "I know I don't wanna go damnit but I have to"

Spike, James always said I was worthless

James nods, falling into a light sleep

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles and nods "alright then"

Rogue "well he's wrong"

Kira yawns falling asleep as well.

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "So I guess I'll see you later?"

Spike wags his tail, well if you say so master

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "yea see ya later"

Rogue giggles "i know so"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back then clearly reluctenly leaves

Spike smiles, can I has a pig ear?

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles and goes inside.

Rogue smiles back "i dont know if i have any"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Spike goes all emo V.V

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait followed Marius quietly [Earth to Maxy XD]

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: [XD hey I just clicked on this one and just got on lay off >.< XD]

Marius opened the dorr for her

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait walked inside.

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles "lemme check" she goes downstairs to check then comes back up with a pig's ear "here ya go"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max fallowed rubbing his eyes he walked to the stiars, "I live on the higher leverls and the elavtors broke, sorry."

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Spike woofs happily and wolves it down

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggles at Spike

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Spike wags his tail

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait, "I don't mind,"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles "you're my best friend"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and started up the stairs

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait followed Marius up the stairs. Hmm, nice ass XD

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: [XD nice]

Marius hummed a bit as he walked

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Spike, I am? he asks and wags his tail all proud like

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait smiled and caught up, walking beside him up the narrow stairs

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius walked up a few flights of stairs than stopped at a door and unlocked it

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods hugging him "yea ya are"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Spike smiles, letting Rogue hug him, i like you master you are kind and noble

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip and waited as he unlocked the door

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius opened the door and walked in flicking on a swich, "I'm a clean freack so well its clean." He chukled

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait smiled and looked around "Thats awesome, believe it or not I'm still a clean freak even if I am homeless."

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "You where homeless." He smiled at her and steped aside to let her in

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back "well thank ya"

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait walked in. "This isn't my home, this is just the house of a really nice stranger who will get fed up and kick me out in a couple days.."

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius rolled his eyes and closed the door, "Extra rooms down the hall and to thr right bathrooms next door to that."

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: "Thanks," Kait went to the extra room and set down her backpack

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius streached and went to the kitchen

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait went to the kitchen "So no roomates? Girlfriend?"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius shook his head, "No room mates nor girlfriend. I have a little brother but he's at a nabours right now."

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait, "How old is he?"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Three, dad died before he was born and mum died giving birth. If your going to ask why he's not with them."

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait nodded a little "Wow, I'm sorry..."

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "It's ok I have him he has me where fine. I need to get him after I cook dinner."

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait yawned a little "What are you cooking and am I welcome to eat it?"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Mqrius, "I'm thinking sushi to night. And yes you can if you want." He started taking things out

2010-03-01 [Silverline]: Kait, "I'm gonna take a nap before dinner" she walked back to her room

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "OK." He called as he turned on a radio and turning it down singing along with the music as he cooked

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Spike nods then yawns sleepily

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